My strategy for fighting my cancer is based on information I have gathered from studying these books, articles, and websites. I have learned that proper diet and exercise are crucial for improving my health, alongside conventional medical treatment.
I am full of hope. Medical advances in cancer treatment are happening all the time, and I want to be here to take advantage of them. I aim to keep my health by following this regime, and 'surf the wave' of new therapies for the disease as they become available.
Copyright © 2016 Mary Maycock · All Rights Reserved ·
Disclaimer: THIS WEBSITE DOES NOT GIVE ADVICE. It is intended solely to provide information to those who are interested in what I am doing. I do not use this diet instead of medical treatment, but rather to compliment it. Any changes in diet and lifestyle should be made with the help and advice of dieticians and doctors, ensuring that everything a body needs is included, and that none of the ingredients could have an adverse effect on present medications and treatments.